−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781471570162 93,60 € 104,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−35% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Picture & Word Flashcards 9781471570124 9,30 € 14,30 € Iki akcijos pabaigos „i Wonder“ yra keturių lygių serija, kurioje kartu su kitais mokykliniais dalykais mokoma anglų kalbos ir į kalbų klasę įtraukiami visi nuostabūs realaus pasaulio elementai. Kursas buvo sukurtas siekiant visapusiškai įtraukti ir motyvuoti jaunus besimokančiuosius ir užtikrinti, kad jie išsiugdytų nesibaigiančią meilę mokytis! PAGRINDINĖS SAVYBĖS: •... Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471569111 13,05 € 14,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Teacher's Book + posters Express publishing 9781471570155 26,46 € 29,40 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Workvook + ieBook, Alphabet Book & DigiBooks App (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471575587 12,15 € 13,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781471570292 89,10 € 99,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Picture & Word Flashcards Express publishing 9781471570247 12,87 € 14,30 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471570209 13,05 € 14,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Teacher's Book + posters Express publishing 9781471570278 26,46 € 29,40 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Express publishing 9781471570599 10,44 € 11,60 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 2 Workvook + ieBook, Alphabet Book & DigiBooks App (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471576898 11,70 € 13,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781471570421 89,10 € 99,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Picture & Word Flashcards Express publishing 9781471570384 12,87 € 14,30 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471570339 13,05 € 14,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos iWonder 3 Pupil’s Book – interaktyvus ir įtraukiantis anglų kalbos vadovėlis vaikams iWonder 3 Pupil’s Book – tai modernus anglų kalbos vadovėlis, skirtas pradinio lygio mokiniams, siekiantiems mokytis anglų kalbos įdomiai ir efektyviai. Šis leidinys sukurtas taip, kad mokymosi procesas būtų įtraukiantis ir pritaikytas vaikų poreikiams, motyvuojant... Į krepšelį
−10% 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Teacher's Book + posters Express publishing 9781471570414 26,46 € 29,40 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Express publishing 9781471570605 10,44 € 11,60 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 3 Workvook + ieBook, Alphabet Book & DigiBooks App (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471583469 11,70 € 13,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder 4 Interactive whiteboard software (programinė įranga interaktyviai lentai) Express publishing 9781471570551 89,10 € 99,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder 4 Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471570469 13,05 € 14,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder 4 Teachers book (knyga mokytojui) Express publishing 9781471570544 26,46 € 29,40 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder 4 Vocabulary & grammar practice Express publishing 9781471570612 10,44 € 11,60 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder 4 Workbook + ieBook, Alphabet Book & DigiBooks App (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471586798 11,70 € 13,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder starter Interactive whiteboard software (programinė įranga interaktyviai lentai) Express publishing 9781471570056 93,60 € 104,00 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder brings the colour and excitement of the real world into the classroom. Pupils explore different school subjects through English, learn to be more critical thinkers and develop the 21st century skills that are necessary in the modern world! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder starter Picture & word flashcards Express publishing 9781471570001 12,87 € 14,30 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder brings the colour and excitement of the real world into the classroom. Pupils explore different school subjects through English, learn to be more critical thinkers and develop the 21st century skills that are necessary in the modern world! Į krepšelį
−10% Pagrindinis iWonder starter Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471569951 13,05 € 14,50 € Iki akcijos pabaigos i Wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending! Į krepšelį